Live Video Streaming.

Flawless Event Streaming and Enhanced Digital Storytelling

Capture and broadcast your events with unparalleled clarity. Our event streaming and capture services are designed to deliver high-definition audio and visuals, making your content accessible to a global audience.

PixelForge's Live Video Streaming service is designed to seamlessly transition your in-person event to the digital realm, ensuring optimal viewing for online audiences. Our expertise not only covers the technical aspects of encoding and transmitting your event to any online platform but also extends to enhancing the webcast with additional production elements. We specialize in reformatting in-person events for the web, integrating graphics, royalty-free music, and other elements to ensure the online version of your event is perfectly suited for digital consumption. Our comprehensive approach guarantees that your message is conveyed clearly and effectively, tailored to engage and resonate with viewers everywhere.


IBM Video Streaming

Virtual events and video communications are a requirement in the future of hybrid workplaces and protecting confidentiality is paramount in the digital world. Our live stream, simulated live, auto-archive, and video on-demand content management and portal features are geared to boost audience engagement. Stream virtual events, executive town halls, marketing product launches, and more. Built for privacy, reliability, quality and scale, and powered by IBM Watson AI for automated closed captioning and search.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Absolutely. Our team is equipped to manage events of any scale, ensuring the same level of quality and attention to detail, whether it's a small webinar or a large-scale conference.

  • We pride ourselves on our ability to seamlessly integrate with your current event vendors. Our team is adept at working collaboratively to ensure a cohesive and successful event.

  • Our expertise lies in understanding both the technical nuances of online platforms and the practical aspects of event production. This allows us to ensure that all stakeholders are aligned, optimizing the event for success.

  • When you hire us, we take full ownership of the digital aspect of your event. We're not just about the technology; we're about creating a seamless experience that meets your objectives, working closely with all stakeholders to guarantee success.

  • PixelForge understands the critical importance of reliable internet connectivity for streaming live events. We are well-versed in technologies like SD-WAN, cellular video encoding solutions, and implementing redundant systems to ensure there's always a backup in place. This technical knowledge allows us to provide a dependable streaming experience, minimizing the risk of disruptions and ensuring your event runs smoothly.